The way our mind, body, and spirit (or soul) connect contribute so much to creating a life to love. The sweet spot where mind, body, and spirit (or soul) meet is achievable for everyone, representing the system of energy that is balanced and healthy. Optimum individual health lies within that spot and is a combination of a healthy body, and a healthy emotional state, where you are living in sync with your core values.
This place is where life moves with ease and everything flows and seems to be in alignment. There is an energy or vibe which projects all of that and attracts more of the same. And when life throws a curve ball (as it does from time to time), because of this place of balance, the ability for you to be resourceful and work through that moment seems effortless.
Each of these 3 things can be worked on separately and the more aligned they become, the more balance and health are created. Here are some ideas to get you started;
The mind is a very powerful tool and how we choose to use it will determine how it serves us.
- Clear any emotional baggage holding you back?
- Focus only on what you want
- Create a positive mindset that aligns with who you are (no faking it here)
- Are you eating a good diet and being well-hydrated?
- Do you have an exercise regime that you enjoy?
- Do you look after yourself?
The spirit or soul is equally important in our overall health.
- What values are you aligned with?
- Do you have a practice of meditation, prayer, journalling, time in your favorite place or just sitting quietly and valuing yourself?
- Are you accountable for what you must do every day to feel aligned?
Tina Burt
Emerging You